Student orientation for fall 2019

Orientation will provide an overview of the semester ahead, your schedules, the supportive services available to you and your photo will be taken for your identification badge.  Attending orientation is imperative and will definitely provide you with needed information for a successful school year.  We look forward to answering any questions you have at this time as well.  We hope to see you soon.


August 2, 2019 @ 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Fill out my online form.


August 16 and 17, 2019 @ 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Fill out my online form.

Addressing challenges

to success

Northland Workforce Training Center is committed to the success of every individual who makes up our diverse student body. We provide our students with tools and resources to address challenges, so they can achieve their advanced manufacturing or energy training and career goals. Our students-first culture meets individuals where they are and focuses on delivering a tailored experience that drives success.

All students have a support team that consists of an admissions and financial aid coordinator, a career coach, and a placement specialist. The team works in tandem with our educational partners to help students with college applications, financial aid, barrier mitigation, soft skills training, academics and job placement. Career coaches also work with students and prospective students to access any support services they may need.

As such, Northland provides the following services to students:

Services for Northland Students

Career Coaching

All students are assigned a Career Coach. The Career Coach conducts a needs assessment and skill determination assessment prior to enrollment in the advanced manufacturing or energy career technical skills training program. Career Coaches work with students to create an individual plan for each student. Career Coaches also work with Northland students to address barriers to success and connect them to the resources and support they need to achieve their goals. Career Coaches remain connected to the student after he or she transitions to employment for three years after being hired full-time.

Financial Aid Counseling

Financial aid assistance is available to help students navigate the financial aid process to access financial aid.

Career Navigation

Career coaching will focus on providing students/potential trainees with information and guidance about potential occupations, educational pathways, job attributes (e.g. indoor, outdoor, clean environment, etc.), and career opportunities. Career coaching includes career exploration and career assessment. Career navigation includes identifying short and long-term educational and employment goals. Additionally, placement specialists will provide placement services to help students improve interview skills, build resumes and cover letters, and connect to career opportunities.

Soft Skills/Job Readiness/Employability Skills Training

Enhancing skills in areas such as: communication, conflict resolution, leadership development, performance management, customer service, critical thinking, teamwork, timeliness, attendance, employee culture, and professionalism is important to career success. Training is provided at no cost to students and is not for-credit. This training is most often provided to students before beginning technical training with the SUNY educational partners.

Financial Empowerment Courses

We offer financial empowerment educational services to full-time students, part-time students, and new workers to learn how to effectively manage earnings, credit, debts, assets, and savings. Services will include linking individuals to banking services, and long and short-term financial planning, including home ownership.

Transportation Assistance

We provide free monthly bus passes to students with financial need for the duration of their participation in the program.

Affordable Childcare

We connect students with financial need who are also parents or guardians to affordable childcare services.

Housing and Medical/Dental Assistance

Career coaching services are available to coordinate housing support and medical/dental assistance.

Post-Placement Retention Services

After a student has completed his or her educational program and been hired, the Career Coach will conduct monthly follow-up meetings with the new employee for the first year of employment. In the second year, the Career Coach will conduct quarterly follow-up meetings with the program graduate to monitor job retention and assess job satisfaction/performance. The program graduate is eligible to receive career coaching and referral services for up to three years after being hired full-time. In addition, program graduates are encouraged to attend career advancement classes/training at Northland Workforce Training Center. These classes are designed to educate and assist individuals who are currently employed on the topics of career planning and advancement.

Emergency Grant & Loan Fund

A grant/loan fund will be available to assist students and new employees/Northland graduates (within the first three years of employment) who have exhausted all means of obtaining financial assistance in an emergency. New employees may borrow up to $500. All money borrowed will be interest-free and is expected to be paid back into the fund monthly. For students, this is expected to be a grant with repayment required once employment has begun. This service provides limited financial assistance to eligible students and new employees who are experiencing economic hardship due to certain emergency situations.


Services for Prospective Northland Students

Refugee/Immigrant Services

Northland works to connect students who are refugees or recent immigrants to relevant support services, as needed. ​

English as a Second Language (ESL) Training

All Northland classes are conducted in English. ESL courses are offered by our partners at no cost to participants. Your Northland Career Coach will refer you to the right partner if you require these services.

Drug & Alcohol Counseling

Northland will communicate the need of a successful drug screen as a condition of employment for enrolled students to be placed into co-ops, internships, apprenticeships, other forms of work based learning models and permanent job placement. Northland will provide voluntary drug testing for students and connect students to substance abuse counseling as needed. Students who voluntarily disclose the utilization of illegal substances will also have access to substance abuse counseling as well.

It should be noted that, the drug screen is not used to punish or reprimand students. It is used to refer students to substance abuse counseling, if needed to increase their success of securing employment as many regional manufacturing and energy employers routinely require a drug screen before a final employment offer is made. Furthermore, most manufacturing and energy firms have contracts requiring that they maintain a drug-free workplace. As such, the purpose of Northland's substance abuse counseling program is to prepare students for gainful employment.