Northland Workforce

Training Center’s Approach

Northland Workforce Training Center is uniquely designed for individuals 18 years or older to reduce all the major barriers that prohibit students from enrolling and completing post-secondary education, such as transportation, childcare, academic readiness and affordability. Northland is committed to providing for-credit education at little to no cost to those with financial need, and intensive wraparound support services that will help you graduate and enter the workforce with all the tools you need for success.

At Northland, you’ll participate in an industry awareness activity to learn about careers in advanced manufacturing and energy. Through our SUNY educational partners, Northland offers for-credit, certificate and Associate Degree programs as core offerings, as well as shorter one-semester and two-semester certificate programs. Once you’ve completed your coursework, our Career Coaches and Placement Specialists will work with you to obtain employment. Our support continues for three years after being hired full-time, too.

Northland's Student Success Model

Northland's Student Success Model